Use These Tools to Assess Your Security Posture for 2024
With the end of the year approaching, it’s a good idea to review some useful tools your organization can utilize to self- assess and prepare to secure your organization. Here are just a few assessment tools that we recommend and utilize for all sizes of organizations.
FFIEC Cybersecurity Assessment Tool
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) released the Cybersecurity Assessment Tool (CAT) to prepare financial institutions for their annual audits for technology security and compliance. Financial Institutions are a critical part of the economy, so looking to them for security baselines is an excellent approach to ensure your organization is secure.
The tool goes in-depth, asking questions around Technology and Connection types, Online or Mobile products and services, Organizational characteristics, and even assesses external threats. Once you’re finished, you can review your Inherent Risk score to determine where your weakest points are, where you can adapt or grow, and what you are doing well. If you are a financial institution, you are already familiar with this tool, but those outside of the financial industry may want to check out this robust resource to help enhance your security posture.
Key Evaluation Areas:
- Cyber Risk Management and Oversight
- Threat Intelligence & Collaboration
- Cybersecurity Controls
- External Dependency Management
- Cyber Incident Management and Resilience
You can get more information about the FFIEC CAT at their site here: FFIEC Cybersecurity Awareness
CSBS Ransomware Self-Assessment Tool
We reviewed the latest changes to the CSBS R-SAT tool previously, and it is an excellent tool to review how prepared your organization is in the event of a ransomware attack. The CSBS R-SAT is another financial institution assessment tool, but very beneficial for any business and can be customized to fit your organization’s needs.
Key Evaluation Areas:
- Cybersecurity Frameworks
- Organization Protection Policies
- Data Inventory
- Vendor Management
- Security Controls
- Detection and Response
DIY Assessments – Frameworks
Many assessment tools are built around two key components: examiner and compliance requirements for organizations, and the frameworks that support baselines for technology standards. You can dive deep into the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) numerous frameworks for what your organization utilizes. Some of their most common publications include:
- Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)
- SP 800-82 – Operational Technology Security Framework
- SP 800-53B – Control Baselines for Information Systems and Organizations
- SP 1800-16 – Securing Web Transactions (PCI DSS)
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Employee Assessment
While you may look at the internal operations of your organization as something that you can control and secure, the weakest hole in security for any organization is the human aspect of security. Utilizing tools to help teach and test employees is a vital way to secure your organization. We have a few informational tools and resources you can use to educate your employees that can be found here.
In the end, there are so many tools and resources to help any organization secure themselves from outside and inside threats. If you feel overwhelmed, we understand and can step in to support and walk you through these assessments. Check out the consult form above to engage with one of our professionals today!