Cybersecurity Concerns in Aftermath of CrowdStrike Outage
An increase in phishing attacks is anticipated as users recover from the CrowdStrike outage.

As we continue to work through the outages caused by the CrowdStrike error, please be aware of the increased risk of phishing attacks. While CrowdStrike has affirmed that the outages were caused by internal error and not a cyber attack, there will be plenty of bad actors who will try to take advantage of the situation.
Expect to see phishing attempts hitting your inbox as there has already been an increase in Newly Registered Domains (NRDs) with various versions of “crowdstrike” in the names.
Think before you click! Be diligent and extra cautious before clicking on any link that looks like it’s related to CrowdStrike. Lasco clients are encouraged to contact Lasco for assistance if you are experiencing outages, at 906-228-9720 or 800-800-6197.
Official CrowdStrike information is available here.