Lasco Walks the Walk

Photos of peoples legs and shoes; footprint graphics

Lasco Walks the Walk Lasco is chasing away the winter blues and hitting the (virtual) road! Upper Michigan can get a little claustrophobic sometime around the beginning of March. Often, we will get some significant snow, and most of us are tired winter by now. Physical activity can really help as we get a little more daylight and a little more warmth. So we at Lasco decided to try something a little different. And, in the spirit of teamwork, we decided on a collaborative effort to chase away the doldrums and show that everyone’s contributions can garner impressive results. We chose the My Virtual Mission app to help us coordinate the journey. Our Mission: Lasco’s Virtual Mission is to travel from Marquette, MI, west to Seattle, WA.  Then we’ll head south to Las Vegas, baby! Our tour then passes through the Rocky Mountains and goes through Kansas City and St. Louis to Nashville. We’ll turn northward from here and hit Louisville, Indianapolis, Chicago, and Milwaukee on our way back to home turf. Lasco’s Virtual Mission is a total distance of 5821.6 miles. How does it work? Well, each member of the Lasco Virtual Mission team is tracking daily activity. The My Virtual Mission app takes all of that activity, converts it to miles, and maps that out along our virtual route. It’s a fun way to make sure we’re all moving more and how each person’s efforts contribute to a large goal. Activity can be actual walking, biking, running, swimming or any activity that can be tracked. So a walk into work, a hike with the dog, watching a movie while on a treadmill, biking on the road or on trails, using an elliptical machine, even cleaning house helps contribute to the whole. If you’d like to create your own mission, find out more about the My Virtual Mission App  and start walking!   We’ll update our progress as we tackle our mission.   DAY 1 – March 10, 2025 Lasco is really going places–virtually! We’ve joined My Virtual Missions and are taking a loooooong walk. Each team member is tracking their daily steps, and then My Virtual Missions shows us how far those steps would take us. It’s just Day 2, and we’re already over 70 miles in! Our virtual walk will take us westward to Seattle & then return to Marquette. We’ll keep you updated on our progress! Only 5750 miles to go!  DAY 3 – March 13, 2025 We’re on Day 3 of our My Virtual Mission journey, and we’ve made tracks! Collectively, the Lasco team completed 207 miles! We’re midway through northern Wisconsin & on our way to Minnesota. Can we make it today? It’s beautiful outside–should be a walk in the park! Hopefully we will reach Duluth early Friday morning. Stay tuned to see how far we go! DAY 4 – March 14, 2025 We did it! The Lasco Team has pushed through Duluth, Minnesota, bringing our total miles to 275! We’re on to North Dakota now. We’re expecting some rain in the Marquette area, but balmy temperatures, so we’ll all want to get outside in between raindrops. If we keep up this pace, we’ll have no problem reaching our goal. Walking has a number of benefits. Aside from burning calories, a walk can boost your mood. Even just a 10-minute walk can make you feel refreshed and happier. Your heart also loves a walk! Walking can reduce your blood pressure and significantly lower your risk of heart disease. Other benefits can include longer life expectancy, more creative thoughts, a decrease in stress, and more. Even walking just 10 minutes a day can help improve your range of motion and mobility. It’s time to make tracks! See you in North Dakota!  

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